Thursday, April 2, 2015

Phone System Milwaukee Wisconsin

VoIP phone systems bring positive cash flow during your very first month. We also offer financing for new equipment ,saving you money even after you factor in the cost of lease payments. Is your cumbersome on-premise PBX holding you back? Do you yearn for better call quality and rich features? If the answers to these questions are “yes,” then it may be time to ditch your legacy phone system and move to the cloud.

According to research from Infonetics, the number of seats for cloud-based business VoIP and unified communications (UC) services is on track to more than double between 2012 and 2016. Moreover, the demand for cloud-based services helped increase hosted PBX and UC service revenue by 33 percent in 2011 alone.

Still debating whether moving your phone system to the cloud is fortuitous for your company? Below are four signs that your phone system is ready for the cloud.

Your IT staff spends all its time troubleshooting: Does your IT staff spend the majority of its time being constrained with legacy technology and not enough on leveraging best-in-class technology to improve your business? Well, with cloud-based VoIP, the onus falls on the cloud provider to add new features, lines, and upgrades, freeing up your IT team to concentrate on other matters.
A lack of features is holding you back: Do you lack the necessary tools to communicate internally and externally, especially with a growing remote workforce? Cloud-based VoIP and UC solutions boast a number of innovative features, like unified messaging, chat and video conferencing, all of which help streamline communication between employees and customers. For example, at-home employees have the ability to communicate with customers and co-workers just as if they were sitting at their desk in-office.
Your expenses are through the roof: On-site equipment is expensive to maintain. Coupled with the fact that the cost of adding new features, lines and upgrades is exorbitant, CAPEX/OPEX expenses can be considerable. With cloud-based VoIP, companies can say goodbye to upfront costs and added expenses associated with new lines and features.
You have no disaster recovery plan in place: What would happen if a hurricane took down your phone system? Would your customers be able to reach you? With the cost of downtime clocking in at $42,000 per hour, you can’t afford to be off-line for long. With a cloud-based system, business continues as usual, with data securely stored off-site.
Find out more about making the switch with AccuVoIP services to Star2Star and how we can help your company streamline its communications. Learn how to get Star2Star for your company today! 

Bring up to a dozen colleagues into the conversation today when you contact our VIP VoIP experts. Contact at 262-649-1097 to learn more about small business video conferencing.

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