Thursday, July 16, 2015

Does Your VoIP Contact Center Have Future-Proof Technology?

If you want your contact center to remain competitive for years to come, you’ll need to incorporate best-in-class technologies to improve agent performance and maintain quality. Without implementing leading-edge contact center solution features (that both your agents and supervisors can leverage), you may find yourself lagging behind your rivals:
For agents:
Real-time displays: Agents can meet customer needs more effectively when they have access to a wealth of customer data (i.e. company name and corporate position) in a real-time desktop display. With this capability, agents receive caller information immediately, as well as snapshots of critical metrics to monitor their own performance.
Flexible queuing configuration: This feature enhances the agent-caller interaction by ensuring customers are directed to the appropriate agent in the most informed and direct manner possible. Once those queues are created, they can be easily modified and updated to ensure that agent performance continues to be high. Multiple choices enable callers to select one of several possible actions while waiting for an agent, such as going to voicemail. Different announcement types (e.g., estimated wait time) keep callers informed of their status.
Advanced ring strategies: Incoming calls can be routed to the most appropriate agent based on several ring strategies. Rings can range from easy circular and non-prioritized round robin call distribution to skills-based routing, which targets specific agents, typically leaving agents with low skill levels for last. Another commonly deployed ring strategy is one in which calls are routed to agents based on their skill ranking. If a designated agent is busy, the system will hold the caller in the queue for a specified time period before sending the call to the next-highest-skilled agent.
For supervisors:
Agent Barge, Monitor, and Whisper: These administrative features allow supervisors to monitor, coach, and train agents. Monitor allows superiors to silently listen to calls. Whisper allows superiors to relay pertinent information to the agent handling the call without the caller knowing. Barge allows superiors to enter the call and take over the interaction.
In-depth reporting: With robust call center solutions, supervisors can access detailed call reports that include queue and agent summaries, immediately upon call completion. They can leverage historical summary reports that simplify collected data into daily, weekly, or monthly trends, as well as drill down to the underlying queue, agent, and call detail. These reports allow supervisors to provide timely feedback and support, boost service quality, and cultivate customer loyalty.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) dashboard: With this feature, managers gain real-time visibility into the most important contact center metrics such as calls answered, calls abandoned, and average and longest wait times, generating quick insights into these key metrics. Furthermore, supervisors can be alerted when a contact center event exceeds pre-set limits, allowing for rapid resolution.
To stay competitive with today’s most-customer-oriented brands, consider deploying these technologies into your contact center. Customer satisfaction impacts your bottom line because it costs far less to retain an existing client than it does to attract a new client. According to an article in CMO, to improve sales and ROI, business leaders should focus on customers already in hand.
In tandem with our Star2Star communications platform, our StarCenter full-featured contact center offers advanced functionality in an easy-to-manage system. Moreover, StarView for StarCenter gives call center managers access to real-time and historical data reports on call center metrics. Click here for more information on how AccuVoIP Services and Star2Star can enhance your business’s communications system.
Make the Switch to Star2Star
Switching to Star2Star is easy. Just contact your Star2Star re-seller at AccuVoIP Services. Contact at 262-649-1097 They’ll analyze your current situation and expenses and show you exactly how much money you’ll save with Star2Star. In most cases, you can even keep your old phone numbers.

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