Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Does Your VoIP Phone System Keep Phone Calls Coming in During Temporary Outages?

Despite the good reliability record of the U.S. power grid, a catastrophic power outage is not out of the question. Some experts have expressed surprise that such an event hasn’t occurred yet. Most outages are the direct result of weather-related events restricted to certain regions—such as Hurricane Sandy in the Northeast—but that doesn’t mean a disaster is not within striking distance of your business.
Our country’s reliance for electricity is supported by an energy grid comprised of 160,000 high-voltage lines, 5 million miles of distribution lines, thousands of generators and transformers, and tens of thousands of additional pieces of equipment. According to the Wall Street Journal, a devastating power outage is not just possible, it’s likely.
Losing the capability to communicate with your customers would be a serious blow to your business, both in terms of reputation and dollars. How do you safeguard your business against the possible onslaught of damage that downtime represents—especially when weather is just the tip of the iceberg (think terrorism and hackers)?
You need to make every reasonable attempt to ensure that your organization’s communications system never becomes compromised. To do that, you will need to start evaluating systems that boast redundancy and high reliability, such as Star2Star’s unified communications (UC) solution.
Scalable cloud communications from Star2Star guarantee 99.999 percent uptime reliability for your business calls, providing 100 percent uptime since 2011. With the Star2Star system, you receive not only remarkable reliability but a comprehensive package of cloud-based UC features including voice, video, messaging, conferencing, fax, presence management, and more.
Because the system combines both on-premises equipment and a suite of cloud-based services, it resolves the respective “problems” of each approach. For example, on-premises hardware invites potential service downtime as it is susceptible to even local power disruptions. Completely hosted communication solutions encompass a lack of control for the organization.
Star2Star’s on-premises hardware— the StarBox Cloud Connection Manager—takes the place of a typical edge device to provide our quality of service and call control. It connects over the Internet to Star2Star’s nationwide network of call routing nodes and data centers, constantly amassing data about the operation of each node and the Internet traffic surrounding each node, to determine best options for call routing—resulting in optimal audio on every call.
Our cloud-based services are hosted at data centers in highly secure facilities with redundant power, redundant Internet connectivity, and strict security measures. Monitoring goes on nonstop, so that the services can adjust to variable conditions. If a problem arises, you will be notified promptly. The help desk operates 24/7/365.
Here are the additional ways Star2Star works to keep your business connected:
    • Failover: In the event that a problem is detected with a circuit, services are set up to switch among multiple Internet circuits at your facility. Redundant, high-speed fiber connections to the Internet are distributed among eight major points of presence and two data centers to provide stellar continuity.

    • Next-day replacement parts: The StarBox CCM operating software runs via flash or solid-state disk memory without any moving parts, so unexpected system failure from wear and tear is prevented. At no additional cost, you can have any broken component replaced, including phones, within 24 hours.

  • Disaster recovery: Regardless of the reason, if you experience an outage, the StarRecovery system will instantly detect the problem and automatically take over. Your calls will be rerouted to designated employee cell phones, landlines, or other office locations.
Don’t risk your business communications for another minute when a Star2Star solution is at your fingertips.
Switching to Star2Star is easy. Just contact your Star2Star re-seller at AccuVoIP ServicesContact http://www.accuvoipservices.com/ at 262-649-1097 They’ll analyze your current situation and expenses and show you exactly how much money you’ll save with Star2Star. In most cases, you can even keep your old phone numbers.

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