Thursday, July 16, 2015

Why Local VoIP Telecom Vendors Should Offer Unified Communications

For phone and Internet carriers, offering a unified communications (UC) solution was considered optional as recently as five years ago. These days, however, businesses are increasingly expecting to implement UC and may view it as a prerequisite of using the services of a specific provider. Research released by MDS noted that 75 percent of IT and telecom decision-makers were actively seeking to move towards a UC infrastructure sometime in the imminent future.
The advantages of UC technology—the convergence of multiple communication channels into a single platform—are well documented. UC offers a wide variety of features that streamline communications, reduce costs, increase mobility, provide greater flexibility, and drive higher levels of productivity. Looking at these benefits, more and more IT personnel are pushing their companies and clients to adopt UC. As end users begin to see UC’s features as crucial to growing or sustaining their businesses, it will be incumbent upon carriers to provide the services.
Considering a new generation of employees is joining the workforce and moving up the corporate ladder, the expectation that service providers will offer UC is almost certain to grow stronger. With the market projected to grow to upwards of $16.9 billion by 2018, not meeting that expectation will almost certainly translate to lost revenue. Simply put, carriers who do not offer UC are going to find themselves in an increasingly uncomfortable position in the near future. All businesses are familiar with supply and demand, and if operators need to supply what IT managers demand.
Make the Switch to Star2Star
Switching to Star2Star is easy. Just contact your Star2Star re-seller at AccuVoIP Services. Contact at 262-649-1097 They’ll analyze your current situation and expenses and show you exactly how much money you’ll save with Star2Star. In most cases, you can even keep your old phone numbers.

Does Your VoIP Contact Center Have Future-Proof Technology?

If you want your contact center to remain competitive for years to come, you’ll need to incorporate best-in-class technologies to improve agent performance and maintain quality. Without implementing leading-edge contact center solution features (that both your agents and supervisors can leverage), you may find yourself lagging behind your rivals:
For agents:
Real-time displays: Agents can meet customer needs more effectively when they have access to a wealth of customer data (i.e. company name and corporate position) in a real-time desktop display. With this capability, agents receive caller information immediately, as well as snapshots of critical metrics to monitor their own performance.
Flexible queuing configuration: This feature enhances the agent-caller interaction by ensuring customers are directed to the appropriate agent in the most informed and direct manner possible. Once those queues are created, they can be easily modified and updated to ensure that agent performance continues to be high. Multiple choices enable callers to select one of several possible actions while waiting for an agent, such as going to voicemail. Different announcement types (e.g., estimated wait time) keep callers informed of their status.
Advanced ring strategies: Incoming calls can be routed to the most appropriate agent based on several ring strategies. Rings can range from easy circular and non-prioritized round robin call distribution to skills-based routing, which targets specific agents, typically leaving agents with low skill levels for last. Another commonly deployed ring strategy is one in which calls are routed to agents based on their skill ranking. If a designated agent is busy, the system will hold the caller in the queue for a specified time period before sending the call to the next-highest-skilled agent.
For supervisors:
Agent Barge, Monitor, and Whisper: These administrative features allow supervisors to monitor, coach, and train agents. Monitor allows superiors to silently listen to calls. Whisper allows superiors to relay pertinent information to the agent handling the call without the caller knowing. Barge allows superiors to enter the call and take over the interaction.
In-depth reporting: With robust call center solutions, supervisors can access detailed call reports that include queue and agent summaries, immediately upon call completion. They can leverage historical summary reports that simplify collected data into daily, weekly, or monthly trends, as well as drill down to the underlying queue, agent, and call detail. These reports allow supervisors to provide timely feedback and support, boost service quality, and cultivate customer loyalty.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) dashboard: With this feature, managers gain real-time visibility into the most important contact center metrics such as calls answered, calls abandoned, and average and longest wait times, generating quick insights into these key metrics. Furthermore, supervisors can be alerted when a contact center event exceeds pre-set limits, allowing for rapid resolution.
To stay competitive with today’s most-customer-oriented brands, consider deploying these technologies into your contact center. Customer satisfaction impacts your bottom line because it costs far less to retain an existing client than it does to attract a new client. According to an article in CMO, to improve sales and ROI, business leaders should focus on customers already in hand.
In tandem with our Star2Star communications platform, our StarCenter full-featured contact center offers advanced functionality in an easy-to-manage system. Moreover, StarView for StarCenter gives call center managers access to real-time and historical data reports on call center metrics. Click here for more information on how AccuVoIP Services and Star2Star can enhance your business’s communications system.
Make the Switch to Star2Star
Switching to Star2Star is easy. Just contact your Star2Star re-seller at AccuVoIP Services. Contact at 262-649-1097 They’ll analyze your current situation and expenses and show you exactly how much money you’ll save with Star2Star. In most cases, you can even keep your old phone numbers.

Would You Do Business with You?

When evaluating the customer experience your business presents to customers, you should try adopting their perspective.  Think about your own experiences with customer service representatives, both negative and positive.
According to the “2012 Global Customer Service Barometer” report compiled by American Express, 26 percent of consumers have been transferred from agent to agent without any resolution of their problem. The same report found that consumers are twice as likely to share a bad customer service experience as they are to talk about a positive one.
These statistics underscore the importance of quality customer service. Consumers expect to have instant access to your contact center over whatever channel is most convenient to them. If your company is not as accommodating as it could be, a unified communications (UC) solution may be right for you.
UC allows your business to merge all of your existing communications technology into one system, and take advantage of value-added features including text chat, conferencing, presence management, advanced queuing and ring group options, and more. With UC, your customers can chat live with a representative via instant messaging from work during their lunch break or conference with an agent from a laptop while waiting to board a flight. The possibilities are nearly endless.
Furthermore, your business can utilize features such as auto attendants to ensure you are serving customers quickly and professionally even when a live attendant is not available. Auto attendants give you the flexibility to configure consistent, helpful responses to consumer inquiries and avoid subjecting them to lengthy wait times.
Other features enabled by UC keep you in contact with customers as well. Advanced disaster prevention and recovery protections will automatically forward calls to remote locations or even employee cell phones if your offices are inaccessible. Bursting lines will automatically add lines on the fly when all current lines are in use, preventing customers from ever hearing a busy signal.
To avoid falling behind the times—and your competition—consider investigating the ways UC can help you improve your customers’ experience. If you would like to know more about the World’s Most Scalable Cloud Communications Solution, find out more about Star2Star Communications here.
Make the Switch to Star2Star
Switching to Star2Star is easy. Just contact your Star2Star re-seller at AccuVoIP Services. Contact at 262-649-1097 They’ll analyze your current situation and expenses and show you exactly how much money you’ll save with Star2Star. In most cases, you can even keep your old phone numbers.

Understanding VoIP and Unified Communication Scalability

The term “scalability” is tossed around the communications and information technology markets quite a bit these days, but what exactly does scalability mean for business managers? Why does it make sense for your business to consider your short and long-term scalability needs?
As a manager, you must respond to customers’ increasing demands to provide high quality services or products to growing a market.
Broadly speaking, scalability refers to the capability of a business to increase the size of part or all of their operations without disruption.
A Scalable Cloud Communications Solution offers multiple platforms in one unified system, allowing businesses to chat, share information, and collaborate in real-time. From storing information in a cloud-based system to using auto-attendants to provide feedback about products and services, a unified communications solution helps to cut costs, simplify operations, and increase productivity.
To integrate scalable, real-time communications within your environment, ask yourself the following questions to optimize your business:
    • How can I pay less for a product or service without sacrificing quality?

    • Which of my business’ productivity tools could be offered in the cloud?

    • Are there any business tasks that could be performed using mobile tools?

    • Will the proposed solution meet all of my organization’s diverse needs?

  • Can I integrate the new solution into existing IT infrastructure?
Make the Switch to Star2Star
Switching to Star2Star is easy. Just contact your Star2Star re-seller at AccuVoIP Services. Contact at 262-649-1097 They’ll analyze your current situation and expenses and show you exactly how much money you’ll save with Star2Star. In most cases, you can even keep your old phone numbers.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Remote Conferencing, the New Moving Office

As discussed in our previous blog post, we understand the importance of remote conferencing in the work place. Since most companies are working nationally as well as internationally, it is important to be able to fully connect with your employees and clients. When dealing with such high distance between two parties, there can be a major disconnect of communication which can spiral downward into various scenarios that can negatively affect your business.

Solve that problem with remote conferencing! Not only will you receive the great product of our internet remote conferencing services, you will also be able to stream in confidence knowing that your services are backed by our presence management and with our call support team. We want to ensure that you are using nothing but quality services for all of your business needs. We understand how crucial proper communication to be any business and we strive to perfect our services and products.

Our video remote conferencing is easy to use! Our services are able to connect 12 users with real-time StarVideo conference with audio. Have more than 12 users? No problem! They can connect using the audio only so that all members are included! There are so many unique features included there is no reason why this wouldn’t be the right communication solution for you!

We Are More Than Our VOIP Phone Systems!

At AccuVoIP Services, we are known for our internet phone systems and while we provide exceptional services for our phones, we also provide numerous other communications services.  We pride ourselves in being able to deliver an entire suite of voice and unified communications solutions throughout various platforms. Our company listens to your concerns and questions we are constantly bettering our communication solutions to be able to provide you with flexible, intelligent, and easy systems to keep your business running without any bumps!

We improve your experience with our call center with an employee ready to answer any questions or problems that occurred. We also are able to provide you with StarConferencing which allows for the ultimate flexibly in any company. This tool is great for you to be able to conference in clients or employees who are working remotely; there is no reason to lose any business hours because of location issues! Tied directly into this service, is also our mobile feature which grants access with our Star2Star telephone system! So even if you are or your team is traveling, you will not miss a beat in the work place.

Some of our additional communication solutions include video conferencing. This solution would be ideal in a work place that conducts interviews; you are able to effetely interview a potential client or employee. Not only with a great product but also backed with our top notch service.  Learn about all of our VOIP phone systems and services at today!

When You Would Need VOIP Phone Systems

Advanced Call CenterWhile most of think of phones as something that is a way of the past, we do not see it like that! Since there is so much technology out there, everything from computer programs to host meetings to being able to remotely access your databases. Technology really has taken the standalone office and turned it into a revolving platform! 

Of course there are basic things you need to have to be a full service office, and no we are not talking about staplers and tape dispensers, we are talking about the basic form of communication; a phone. At AccuVoIP Services we take phone systems very seriously; we understand the importance that proper communication can provide.  Our VOIP phone systems are going to be that barrier your company needs to have guaranteed reliability with any type of meeting or conference you are holding.

Those events are vital to your company and you should not miss out on lost information because of missed communication. Connect you with your clients in a clear line communications no matter if you are going through a blackout or they are going through a disaster, business does not stop and neither do we! Contact us today to learn more about our VOIP phone systems!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Partner With AccuVoIP & Star2Star, We’re Always Watching Your Back

What can you do with Star2Star? • Boost productivity by uniting satellite offices, mobile users, and work-at-home employees into a single, unified system with a single dialing plan.
Many unified communications (UC) providers promise high reliability without revealing how they provide it or explaining exactly how they guarantee a high quality of service. Star2Star Communications, however, is always happy to explain how we protect call quality at all times because we are confident that our methods speak for themselves.
StarWatch Continuous Monitoring proactively checks on Star2Star customer locations every few minutes, so someone is always keeping an eye on your voice service. If two checkup cycles pass without a response from the system for any reason (for example a power or Internet outage), the customer and the Star2Star partner who provided the system are alerted immediately. This notification is called StarNotify. We monitor the quality of every call made between customer phone systems and our data center 24/7/365, and our technology automatically adjusts to changing conditions If a problem arises.
Star2Star’s 99.999% uptime reliability guarantee is also based on protections like:
    • Redundant Internet connections that allow us to automatically switch between multiple Internet circuits at your location if our monitoring detects a problem

    • Partnerships with multiple traditional telephone carriers to send your calls over the traditional phone network when necessary

    • Guaranteed next-day replacement of all Star2Star-provided parts

The bottom line is that Star2Star is committed to providing unfailing reliability to customers and has the résumé to back up that claim. Our system hasn’t gone down for even a second since 2011, a record our competition simply can’t match. Additionally, Star2Star’s unique Blended Architecture was recently honored with Frost & Sullivan’s Product Differentiation Excellence Award for the quality of our end-to-end UC solution. Want to learn more about how Star2Star is different from other UC providers? Click here to download our white paper “The Benefits of a Blended Architecture.”
Make the Switch to Star2Star
Switching to Star2Star is easy. Just contact your Star2Star re-seller at AccuVoIP Services. Contact at 262-649-1097 They’ll analyze your current situation and expenses and show you exactly how much money you’ll save with Star2Star. In most cases, you can even keep your old phone numbers.

What AccuVoIP Offers That Other Local VoIP Vendors Don’t

What can you do with AccuVoIP Services and Star2Star? • Boost productivity by uniting satellite offices, mobile users, and work-at-home employees into a single, unified system with a single dialing plan.
As a local VoIP reseller, you certainly have no shortage of options when it comes to partnering with a unified communications (UC) provider. As you research your decision, you are probably looking for a company that offers a little something extra in terms of support.
Resellers looking for a telecom partner that goes beyond industry norms can stop their search, because AccuVoIP Services is what you’ve been seeking. Through AccuVoIP is a Star2Star’s authorized partner, service resellers, agents, and wholesalers, can offer customers a system with 99.999% reliability and a rich feature set.
The perks don’t stop there. When you parnter with AccuVoIP and Star2Star you will also have access to:
    • Generous Referral Program: You can earn five percent of a referral’s monthly base phone bill for three years.

    • Online Access and Tracking of Customer Data: Partners have access to all the analytics they need to keep accurate, real-time track of their business and stay in touch with their customers.

    • Assistance from Star2Star’s Sales Support Teams: You can resolve customer issues and troubleshoot quickly and reliably with a best-in-class service team.

    • Partners also benefit in marketing, billing, and training on Star2Star’s system, further simplifying the sales process.

    • Keep Your Customers: Your customers are more likely to stick around for the long haul with Star2Star. Our customer retention rate of 99.85% is the highest in the industry.

    • Our Unique Architecture: Star2Star’s Blended Architecture, an award-winning technology that helps overcome the limitations of other dedicated systems by combining the reliability of on-site and hosted solutions, keeps customers happy and eases the burdens on your staff.

    • A System That Grows With Your Customer: Star2Star’s UC system is easily scalable, so your customers can grow with you. Our system offers virtually limitless scalability for distributed enterprises.

The bottom line is that Star2Star makes it easy for resellers to put extra money in your pocket. What could be better than that?
Make the Switch to Star2Star
Switching to Star2Star is easy. Just contact your Star2Star re-seller at AccuVoIP Services. Contact at 262-649-1097 They’ll analyze your current situation and expenses and show you exactly how much money you’ll save with Star2Star. In most cases, you can even keep your old phone numbers.