Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Cloud Based Phone Solutions with the StarBox

You know your business is unique. Why settle for a one size fits all communications strategy? AccuVoIP Services has been making intelligent, internet communications systems for nearly a decade and we’ve used everything we’ve learned to create the StarBox. This Cloud Connection Manager takes the place of an existing typical edge device, while providing additional features like built-in quality of service and call control.

With this super reliable, solid state connection manager on your premises, you’ll be able to connect to one of our data centers where we remotely manage and monitor the quality of your phone system. With continuous monitoring around the clock, we guarantee 99.999% reliability and still provide dramatic savings over traditional phone systems.

With three differently sized models to choose from, the StarBox will match the needs of any business. Yet all the StarBox models share an identical management interface and feature set. 

Features include:
integrated monitoring and remote management
managing multiple locations from a single screen
flexible networking configuration
all solid state, low power consumption parts
long life
high reliability
edge traffic shaping

You can also add an optional solid state storage for call recording, along with cloud-based archive services.

Stay ahead of the game. Explore cloud based phone solutions today with the StarBox from AccuVoIP Services.

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