Friday, May 8, 2015

Business Continuity For Natural Disasters: Why AccuVoIP Services Recommends Star2Star

Try Star2Star risk-free. With a 99.85% retention rate, we are so confident you will love our system that we offer a 30-day money back guarantee!

In Southwest Florida, summers are always the same. Most days are sunny, smack-you-in-the-face humid, and in the afternoon the inevitable thunderstorms arrive – along with the hurricane season.
Hurricane season begins in June and ends in November, and hurricanes are a massive concern for most of the Southeast. Our firm does a lot of technology planning, disaster preparation and education surrounding hurricane season. Business continuity during a storm is always a concern, but for the most part it’s been a reactive sort of planning, helping our customers get back to work as soon as possible after a major storm.
When our company, Entech, was introduced to Star2Star, we realized that they offer a completely different solution than we’ve been able to offer in the past that benefits our area specifically for hurricane season and disaster planning. Here are a few reasons we’ve chosen Star2Star as our recommended VoIP/Unified Communications provider.
The Ultimate In Redundancy:
Star2Star is unique among voice providers. The Star2Star system utilizes a technology called Blended Architecture to insure that all calls are routed to their final destination using the best possible method. This insures high voice quality, even over low-cost broadband Internet connection. Blended Architecture also provides Star2Star customers with automatic call forwarding to alternate numbers in the event of a power or Internet connectivity outage. This means that Star2Star customers will continue to receive incoming calls, even in the event of a major disruption.
A Single Configuration:
What happens when a site does go down with Star2Star? It’s a non-issue. The system is preconfigured (by us, your IT department or other technology partner) to route based on conditions set by you. Rather than manually changing the routing yourself and forwarding to a cell phone or other phone line without an introduction prompt, the Star2Star system intelligently determines which sites are offline. It responds by re-routing calls according to the conditions that you’ve set. It’s the ultimate in business continuity.
Continuity With Reliability:
The only other phone systems that offer a similar level of business continuity are completely cloud hosted, which are notoriously unreliable. Hosted VoIP solutions rely solely on internet-based routing that almost always results in a sacrifice of call quality and overall reliability. In contrast, Star2Star ‘s Blended Architecture delivers maximum quality and reliability.
In the throes of hurricane season, with so many other factors at play, disaster planning can be difficult to negotiate. Workstations have to be prepped and there are evacuation plans and checklists and so many other things to consider. The fact that a phone system can be completely self reliant in the midst of a disaster is a no-brainer for many of our customers.
Make the Switch to Star2Star
Switching to Star2Star is easy. Just contact your Star2Star re-seller at AccuVoIP Services. Contact at 262-649-1097 They’ll analyze your current situation and expenses and show you exactly how much money you’ll save with Star2Star. In most cases, you can even keep your old phone numbers.

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