Friday, May 8, 2015

Star2Star Provides Georgia Nonprofit with Exactly the Call Center Solution it Needs

Problem: A multi-location, rapidly expanding financial services organization with dire need to upgrade its 16 year old phone system. Requirements: Easy to use and enable easier communication between locations. Solution: After thorough research comparing several options, in the words of an owner: “Star2Star won hands down”. Results: user friendliness resulted in fast transition and system enabled easier communication. Bonus: ongoing cost savings were realized! How much can Star2Star save you? Answer 4 simple questions and find out.

The Council on Aging (COA), is a nonprofit organization based in Albany, Georgia, that plans, develops, and coordinates services for people 60 years of age and older. Senior centers and various programs for seniors are located throughout in Southwest Georgia. In addition to the organizations programs, a call center handles request for services and support needed within their service areas.
Recently, Izzy Sadler, the Director of the organization approached Star2Star for a Unified Communications (UC) solution to improve operations in its call center, which handles queries from 14 different counties. After consulting with Star2Star, the Council adopted UC. “The biggest selling factor was the cost savings that we would have.” In addition to the savings Star2Star offers call centers a myriad of communication services, functions and features that provide support for both managers and agents, including:
  • Remote agent groups, which can span multiple locations. Incoming call loads can be distributed across several offices and time zones
  • A highly scalable StarCenter that can accommodate a few users to hundreds of users - and it operates seamlessly across multiple locations
  • Real-time queue performance which is available to easily adjust to changes in call volume, caller wait times and agent availability
  • More productive and collaborative experience for callers and call agents
A Unified Communication solution is ideal for businesses with multiple locations, off-campus users and even more complex communication needs. Whether you’re a large corporation, an SMB or a nonprofit organization, Star2Star can help customize a suite of features to improve call center productivity.
Make the Switch to Star2Star
Switching to Star2Star is easy. Just contact your Star2Star re-seller at AccuVoIP Services. 
Contact at 262-649-1097 They’ll analyze your current situation and expenses and show you exactly how much money you’ll save with Star2Star. In most cases, you can even keep your old phone numbers.

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