Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Top Reasons to Switch to Unified Communications in 2015

A new year has arrived, bringing with it a clean slate and an opportunity for new beginnings. If your business is still using a legacy telephone solution, migrating to a VoIP system with unified communications (UC) features is a surefire way to make 2015 more productive and profitable than last year.
If you're on the fence about making a change to your communications infrastructure, we'd like to offer a few advantages that should tip the scales toward UC adoption:
Ease of Use: Best-in-class UC solutions offer users the capability to enjoy a variety of functionality from a single application screen. From that single interface, your employees can point and click to access UC features like:
  • Chat/instant messaging
  • Digital faxing
  • Presence management
  • Videoconferencing
Increased Productivity: Access to the aforementioned features allows for enhanced collaboration throughout your organization—including with mobile or remote employees—which increases productivity across the board. Your workforce will spend less time digging through your internal system for contact information and trying to track down colleagues, and more time completing mission critical tasks.
Reliability: A leading cloud-based UC provider can offer reliability that was unachievable with legacy telephony. Star2Star Communications, for instance, uses a unique and intelligent Blended Architecture that allows us to confidently guarantee 99.999 percent uptime on a system that has not gone down for even a second since 2011.
Need More Ammo? We’ve provided some compelling reasons to switch to a UC solution this year, but we also understand that some decision makers like to investigate down to the smallest details. So, if you would like some more information about why adopting UC makes good business sense, click here to watch our new video.
Make the Switch to Star2Star
Switching to Star2Star is easy. Just contact your Star2Star re-seller at AccuVoIP Services. 
Contact at 262-649-1097 They’ll analyze your current situation and expenses and show you exactly how much money you’ll save with Star2Star. In most cases, you can even keep your old phone numbers.

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