Thursday, May 7, 2015

Redundancy: Why it’s Essential to Your Unified Communications System Infrastructure

Your phone system infrastructure is integral to your business success—as it quite literally keeps you connected with colleagues and clients. As such, it is critical to ensure your phone system is reliable in order to avoid miscommunication s and productivity lulls. Implementing a cloud-based unified communications (UC) system that is backed up by redundant data centers can augment your business communication tactics, whether you run an SMB or an enterprise-level organization.
Star2Star’s Blended Architecture Star2Star’s Blended Architecture boasts one of the highest levels of reliability in the telecom industry due to its constellation of data networks. Combining the advantages of both cloud and on-premises telecom systems enable Star2Star to provide the reliability your business needs while offering a myriad of advantages such as:
Automatic Call Rerouting: A Star2Star phone system equipped with cloud-based UC features can automatically reroute calls if they are lost due a storm or a power outage. This redundancy means your clients, colleagues and vendors won’t hear dead air on the end of the line again, and you can rest assured that you won’t lose productivity due to lost calls.
Cost Efficiency: Cloud-based UC systems can allocate some data in the cloud, meaning that all of your pertinent data doesn’t need to be housed in an on-premise system. For example, with a cloud-based system businesses can grow their company and add new phone lines without needing to implement on-site equipment, like copper wires. This saves on maintenance and installation fees.
Disaster Recovery: Redundancy in your phone system means that phone lines are consistently backed up. This is a critical feature in the case of an unforeseen event—like a storm that takes down phone lines. Cloud-based UC from Star2Star ensures that your business won’t break continuity or lose business due to your compromised phone lines. Let Star2Star’s award-winning, patented cloud architecture provide the redundancy your business needs in a phone system.
Click here to read more blogs about the cloud-based UC advantage.
Make the Switch to Star2Star
Switching to Star2Star is easy. Just contact your Star2Star re-seller at AccuVoIP Services. 
Contact at 262-649-1097 They’ll analyze your current situation and expenses and show you exactly how much money you’ll save with Star2Star. In most cases, you can even keep your old phone numbers.

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