Friday, May 8, 2015

Star2Star Helps Brickman Upgrade Its Communications System

Don’t overpay for unused phone lines. Most telecommunications vendors require you to pay annual memberships for phone lines that you won’t use. Find out how Star2Star is different. Start Saving >

Let’s face it: Moving is hard. Often, the most difficult part isn’t the actual heavy lifting, but deciding what gets left behind. The Brickman Group, a landscape services company responsible for servicing over 30,000 properties across the U.S., recently found itself in this exact situation. The company was moving its corporate offices to a new location, but wasn’t sure whether it should leave its legacy phone system behind. After some careful consideration, company leaders came to the conclusion that it was time for a much-needed upgrade; however, they were concerned about the cost of replacing their aging phone system. Brickman managers turned to AccuVoIP Services, a Star2Star partner, for help. They were happy to be informed that replacing their existing phone system wouldn't break the bank. In fact, it would be considerably more cost-effective than moving the old system. Following the installation of Star2Star’s cloud communications solution, Brickman quickly realized benefits above and beyond those that its previous phone system had delivered. “We found that the monthly recurring costs and operating expenses with Star2Star were much lower than [with] anyone else. It’s a huge jump from where we were. As far as functionality and voice quality, it’s far better,” said Chad Maran, the facilities move coordinator for Brickman. With Star2Star’s superior Scalable Cloud Communications solution, which is more than a typical business VoIP system, the company now has access to many new features and services, such as presence management, business fax capabilities and disaster recovery protections. In fact, Brickman was so impressed with Star2Star that when a second office had to change locations, the company left its phone system behind and switched to Star2Star as well. To learn more about how Star2Star helped Brickman improve communications and lower costs, read the entire Case Study. 

Make the Switch to Star2Star
Switching to Star2Star is easy. Just contact your Star2Star re-seller at AccuVoIP Services. 
Contact at 262-649-1097 They’ll analyze your current situation and expenses and show you exactly how much money you’ll save with Star2Star. In most cases, you can even keep your old phone numbers.

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